example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
Smartzoom 5
example picture
ZEISS Smartzoom 5: Correlative Microscopy with Shuttle & Find
ZEISS Smartzoom 5 – 15 Highlights in 120 Seconds
ZEISS Smartzoom 5 - Installation and Setup
ZEISS Smartzoom 5: Product Trailer
ZEISS Smartzoom 5: Image Acquisition How-To
ZEISS Smartzoom 5: Applications in Automotive, Steel & Electronics Industry
Smartzoom 5 digital microscope
Item no.: 000000-2179-038 (individual configuration)
Full description
Digital microscope Smartzoom 5 suited for quality control, quality assurance and optical inspection....